
What is the price Hennessy Pure White in the Bahamas or Europe?

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Can anyone tell me the price for the bottle that looks like beer?




  1. Guest57239
    Dec. 2016 got 2 for 70.00 on Princess Cruise...

  2. Guest21230

     How bout panama ??

  3. I got it in Jamaica for $50(US), by far the most expensive. Wish I knew someone going to PR!

  4. what store in nassau did you purchase the Pure White Hennessy from.


  5. I just purchased some bottles at $47 USD each in Barbados on 3/1/11. I heard it's way cheaper in St. Martin, a friend purchased a case of 8 for $200 USD.

  6. You can get one for 35$ if you want. Source:

  7. D.R. has it for $49.00 USD

  8. just got 12 bottles in free port / port lucaya $40.39 could have got it at $38.00/or $39.00 in nassua


  9. just picked in up on grand cayman and it was $27 USD on 01/02/11. Price vaires from store to store though.

  10. Just got back from Nassau, and 750 ml bottle was $39.99

  11. the price for white hennessy in st marteen is 32.00 i was just there last week.... st. marteen is the cheapest out of all the islands

  12. the price of Hennessy Pure White in the Bahamas is around $35.00.

  13. What is the price in St. Maarteen for Pure White Hennessy

  14. is hennessy white sold in bermuda,st luvcia ,barbados / any certain cities in p.r or d.r?

  15. 30 euros in cognac france in the hennessy shop

  16. 34.95 In Nassau

  17. Purchased a bottle for $27.99 in St. Martin 7/28/10

  18. Just picked up 2 bottles in Nasau....$35 each.

  19. I just came from the bahamas an bottle of pure whitr henney is 34.95 I got an bottle

  20. I got it for $27 in the Cayman Islands this past weekend and Jamaica its $34

  21. $42 in jamaica

  22. 32$ in puerto rico.

  23. $35 a bottle in Nassau as of the end of Jan.

  24. in the bahamas a bottle 750ml costs 33.95 US dollars in the duty free stores

  25. what store in Nassau did you purchase the Hennessy Pure White?

  26. They Sell Those In Haiti Too. There About $30-$35 A Bottle.

  27. They are right...i've been going to the Bahamas for the last 7 years and the price has remained the same at $35 a bottle (750cc) to be exact.

  28. I just came from Nassau and priced it.  It is $34.95 for 750 ml bottle.

  29. I just purchased some in Nassau, Bahamas over the weekend.  It was $35 a bottle.

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