
What is the price of a c&c cage?

by  |  earlier

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please tell me the price of a c&c cage of a guinea pig i have a hamster currently and when she passes away i'm going to get a guinea pig and i will have 1 maybe 2 years before i get one because my hamster lives for i think 1 or 2 years and im getting 30 dollars a week for alowance! =]]]] lol please help me i mite get 2 guinea pigs they are 35 dollars each at the moment




  1. The cost of a C&C cage is about the same as a small pet store cage.

    The grids can be purchased at Target for $16-$20. The coroplast will range from $15-$20. This depends upon the retailer and your location, as prices will vary. Go to and use the search feature on the left side of the page to find a business near you that sells the grids and/or coroplast. They are very easy to construct.

    Be sure to do adequate research on the diet & care required of these animals. They should be housed in pairs and vet care can be quite expensive if they get sick. Take this into consideration beforehand. Here is some helpful reading:

    Good luck!

  2. Please adopt, don't buy

    You can usually get a box of grids for $20 and a sheet of coroplast for $15. Then it is a few bucks for cable ties to reinforce it.

  3. You should definitely get two guinea pigs when you get them. A C&C Cage is pretty cheap. I'd say it's definitely going to be under $50 in all. You can find some pretty good deals if you look for cubes on sale at Target, and some sign stores will give coroplast away for free if you tell them it's for a guinea pig cage.

  4. well you dont buy the cage, you make the cage. A good place to go to look at ideas are that is where i learned to make mine, I bought a box full of the grids at target for 20 dollars. i bought two boxes (i have 9 guinea pigs and two rabbits) They are pretty cheap. Just go to target and look for the grids, but it depends because the ones at walmart were a little more expensive.

    you will also need something to put at the bottom, and i do not suggest cardboard, because it molds easily and they eat it, it doesn't last long at all. I'd go with a small plastic tub. I bought mine at farm and fleet, but also you can buy them at Walmart, it is also healthier for your guinea pig. I can post a link in a minute.

  5. depends where you buy the storage cages things at

    wal mart


    and costco should have them

    and then proabably 5 dollars for the board that you make into a box

    at JOANS

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