
What is the price of a human life?

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  1. who's life is it? is it an evil soul? oh very cheap. is it a good soul? definitely close to priceless.

    or do you mean like, the price to live?


  2. The price in inestimable.  It is in the potential that the value exists. What if albert einstein had not been born? What price would that have been? Hitler? Dr. Salk? Yourself?  The movie,  It's a wonderful life ,takes into account the value of every interaction you make with others. Insurance and courts put a value on future earnings. What if the life taken would have saved the world?

  3. How can you price

    a gift?

    The same way you price

    love, a child's smile & laugh, a simple sight of the nature, universe, etc.

  4. This seems like a trick question. If there is a price for human life then that means that if people who commit murder and take a life away will have a price to pay and if that price is another life and in particular their life, then its endorsing the death penalty, isn't it? I don't believe that there is a right answer to this. I think that each life is priceless. Someone will care for you and if no-one does then that's the price: lonliness. Complete lonliness.

  5. Much less than its value, I suspect...

  6. lets see the price of a human life well to some its priceless to others its worthless to a very few of us its like a timebomb in the crowd but my life to me is knowing no matter how pretty u r or how rich u may be life is like a grain of sand in a "life" hourglass meaning if ur on top ur going to b the 1st to die and if ur on the bottom u will b the last 1s to drop when the hourglass is turned over

  7. Priceless. But you have to understand the true meaning of that word is "without price", not beyond price.

  8. What a difficult question to answer...I think it depends on the quality of that person's life and whether or not that person loves his/her life.

    If someone in my immediate family

    was held for ransom or if someone threatened to kill them unless I came up with 30 million dollars (and I had that sort of money), I would pay-up, even though there would be considerable risks involved.  If I had a loved one who needed a life-saving operation or transplant that would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars (and I had the money), I would pay for it, even though there was a 50:50 chance of success.

    If on the other hand I couldn't afford to pay the ransom or life-saving surgery, I would do anything to raise the money.  

    Whether we like to admit it or not, every single human being has an invisible price tag attached to their psyche.  The majority of us like to think that we are precious, loved and cherished by our family and friends...but would give up all the riches in the world for self-preservation or to love and be loved.

  9. You can't put a price on it.

  10. Probably a couple of dollars.

    That is what organizations like UNICEF estimate it costs to provide vaccines to children for common lethal diseases.  

  11. another human life.

  12. Sometimes you HAVE to put a dollar value on human life.

    In the case of a wrongful death law-suite (a plane crash, say, or an auto accident) a price might be calculated by the annual income of the decedent times the number of years he or she would probably work.  Or the cost of replacing a home-maker...

    Also, the practice of slavery is alive and well in 2008.  A human who can be forced into involuntary servitude as a manual laborer, s*x worker, etc has a certain monetary value that fluctuates with supply and demand according to the rules of the market place.

  13. a new life in return.

    Like a new baby being born.

  14. This would be a good question to ask in the "Military" forum.  The fact that our troops have to actually purchase their own equipment tells me that it must not be that much.

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