
What is the price of ciggs in puerto rico??????????

by  |  earlier

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I am going to puerto rico tomorrow for vacation, i was wondering the what is the price of ciggs? would it be better to buy them here in the states or wait till i get there to buy my cigss?




  1. 4.75 and up

    more expensive than in the states,

    so i suggest u buy a few packs over there, cause over here gas,booze drinks,cigg,milk,rice,and cheese are expensive.

  2. $4.25 to $5.00 in any gas station

  3. Buy them in the duty free shop before you board your plane.)

  4. They are less than in the states...and if You buying a carton  buy it at Sam's, Cosco.

  5. approx 5 bucks each box.... but if you want to save buy it at Sams...

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