
What is the price of diesel in france?

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What is the price of diesel in france?




  1. Depends on where you buy it.  Cheapest is in a supermarket petrol station, where I have seen it for under 1 euro a litre.  Most expensive is on peages, where it is between 1.15 and 1.20.  Most expensive of all is on the A1 and A26, between Paris/UK and Reims/UK.  They like to stick it to British drivers...

  2. Tim W's answer is correct - you can cross-check it against the two European fuel price comparison web pages links below.

    Note that the AA's web page is only updated monthly - currently showing the results of their January survey. The German source is likely to be more up-to-date, but relies on input made by individual users. If you click on a price on that German web page, you will see the underlying individual reports (e.g. the most recent one for France for diesel is 8 Feb 2007, €1.00/litre at a supermarket in Bitche, Alsace).

    Note that in France, the price difference between supermarkets and regular petrol stations is bigger than in most other countries. In UK, you might save a penny a litre by filling up at a supermarket, but in France the saving is much bigger.

  3. Bonjour from south of France !

    well,  today, down the road, a litre of diesel costs exactly, 1,03 €.

    But if you drive a little further away, to big supermarkets, I know a place where it costs : 0,97 €.

    the prices have lowered down to about 20 centimes in the last 6 months !

    good for us !

  4. cheaper than england 86.9p per litre

  5. Diesel in France is always about 2/3rds of the price in England. They do not pay so much tax on theirs as we do.

  6. Around 1 euro a litre. from around 0.98 to 1.05

  7. At the moment it's around 1 € per liter. But it fluctuates a lot. One day it can be 0.99€ and the day after 1.05€.

  8. it depends of the city ... and the oil-market ...

    this is a website with all the prices, day after day, for all the gas-stations, for all the cities ... enter the city (Paris, Lyon, lens ...) or the department (Ain, Morbihan ...) and select 'Gazole' to know all the prices of diesel in the area you want to visit.

  9. Diesel prices in France vary slightly dependant on where you refuel. On the A roads there are signs which give you the distances to various producers (Shell, BP, Agip, etc) and most have the price per litre so you can choose where you want to refuel. Hope this helps you.

  10. Diesel is around 1 euro a litre

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