
What is the primary consumer of ethanol 85?

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i understand the farmers are raising corn to sell to govt. for ethanol (which is why food prices are going up so high). was wondering if anyone knows what they are doing with the ethanol? I know they are selling it at some gas stations for newer types of cars that take it - but what kind of cars take this fuel? I have not heard of any. and also, there are few stations around that even sell it. what are they doing with the ethanol they are making? Thanks




  1. most gasoline contains 10% ethanol now. in some states Iowa, Missouri & I believe Nebraska & probably others, its against the law to sell regular gas that dosnt contain at least 10% ethanol

  2. here in Iowa every gas station has ethonal in it that is our super unleaded, we also have the E85 stations and the cars can be bought at most dealerships.  And come on get over the governments lies, howin the world does corn beinggrown make all the food prices go up, not everything is made of corn.

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