
What is the primary food source in the open sea?

by Guest64612  |  earlier

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What is the primary food source in the open sea?




  1. Small sea creatures like plankton etc.

  2. sea creatures.    :]

  3. The primary source is sunlight.  It is converted by phytoplankton or larger vegetation into  something later eaten by animals.

  4. Phytoplankton I would say, it has the largest biomass.

  5. coral, sea weed, fungi

  6. Plankton, minute organisms, both plant (phytoplankton) and animal (zooplankton), drifting in the sea, which serve as the basic foodstuffs of marine life; the basis of the marine food chain!!!!!!!

    One of the greatest wonders of the sea is the amount of life it sustains, most of which goes unobserved as we plow our way over it. William Beebe, the ocean scientist, explorer, and writer, asserted in 1927 that “shipwrecked men in an open boat, if their lot is cast on waters rich in plankton, need never starve to death if they can manage to drag an old shirt, net fashion, through the water at night. The great percentage of crustaceans makes plankton a rich, nourishing food, even raw.”Beebe once undertook the laborious task of counting the number of tiny creatures he caught in a net.

  7. Plankton?

  8. Plankton.. Very moreish! Or algae maybe (however you spell it)

  9. Plankton.  Not only are they the primary food source I also understand that plankton are responsible for replentishing approximately 97% of the oxygen we breath while only 3% come from grasses and trees.   It is conceivable that the oceans could be our primary life source.

  10. Plankton and then fish.

  11. Fish?

  12. Fish of course, no?


  14. The phytoplankton are eaten by the smallest floating animals, the zooplankton. Small zooplankton are eaten by larger zooplankton.

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