
What is the primary threat to Earth?

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and what will the end result be if it goes unchecked?




  1. Global warming and overpopulation are both things that are already happening and can cause mass extinctions, so I'd say those.

    A large asteroid or comet could theoretically fracture the whole planet but more likely would just cause a huge natural disaster or mass extinction.

  2. humans are the primary threat... we will end up destroying ourselfs and all things living if we continue to walk the path that we are on now

  3. Most immediate wld be global warming. This throws all the weather and seasons into disarray. Flooding here droughts there-all affecting livestock & agriculture leading to food shortages. Melting ice peaks also affect marine life and all.

    Of course there is another thing abt the huge meteorite hitting earth but that wont happen within our lifetime.

    Nuclear war is possible. All it takes is some mad man to press the red button & trigger off a nuclear war which will turn into WW3 & thats the end of the human race. God doesnt need to send his angels down to destroy the world as stated in Revelation. Insane and arrogant world leaders will do it for Him. Anyway, i had read somewhere that there is a possibility that USA wld consider nukeing Iran if Iran doesnt back down on its nuclear power stn program. So there you go!

    Who's the primary cause of all of the above barring the meteorite?? its us humans. So humans are the greatest danger to earth.

  4. Nothing, really, barring a giant rogue astronomical body that completely obliterates it.

    Mankind can do a lot to s***w up Earth, but unless we REALLY tried, we couldn't destroy it outright.  The planet'd live on, fix itself, and move on.

  5. Mankind is the main (possibly the only) threat to the earth.  Anything imaginable could happen if we go unchecked, global warming, melting of polar  ice, flooding, change in climate creating extinction of plants and  animals, food shortages, death and disease.  You name it.  And second to that are those sleazy "Girls Gone Wild Videos".

  6. The threat to earth and mankind has always been mankind itself. Throughout history there have been  some pretty stupid moments, in which men  brought chaos to the world, like when Christopher Columbus discovered America, (just kidding). No but really, one man can cause a lot of pain to a whole nation or a race. Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution (which is now obsolete,by the way), created an ideology that gave rise to racism and "the survival of the fittest" , taken to be the white race.

    Hitler was very much influenced by Darwinisim in his quest for a pure white race and his promotion of ethnic cleansing.  We all know what happened next...

  7. primary threat to earth is mankind

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