
What is the prob between India and Pakistan (BESIDES the Kashmir issue)?

by Guest60706  |  earlier

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What is the prob between India and Pakistan (BESIDES the Kashmir issue)?




  1. Ever since the partition of the sub-continent in 1947, when Britain dismantled its Indian empire, India and Pakistan have been arch rivals.

    The animosity has its roots in religion and history.

    The Indian subcontinent was partitioned into Hindu-dominated but nominally secular India and the newly created Muslim state of Pakistan after India’s independence from Great Britain in 1947. Severe rioting and population movement ensued and an estimated half a million people were killed in communal violence. About a million people were left homeless. Since partition, the territory of Jammu and Kashmir has remained in dispute, with Pakistan and India both holding sectors.

  2. There are many reasons:


    We all know that Jammu and Kashmir is disputed between India and Pakistan. But there are 2 other disputes as well:

    1) Sir Creek/Maritime boundary

    A tidal creek between India and Pakistan. Pakistan claims the entire creek while India claims that the International border runs through the mid-channel of the creek.

    2) Siachen Glacier

    The UN-doctored LoC does not demarcate Indian and Pakistani positions in Siachen. India occupied 80% of the region after Operation Meghdhoot in the 1980s. Rest is controlled by Pakistan.

    Rann of Kutch in Gujarat was also disputed and Pakistan occupied most of it during the 1965 war. After cease-fire talks, a tribunal was setup following which 10% of the region went to Pakistan and the rest to India. The famous incident involving the shooting down of Pakistan Navy's Breguet Atlantique plane took place in this region in 1999.


    During the Partition of India, several Hindus and Pakistanis were killed during the communal riots. That was one of the main reasons for the bitter enmity between the two early on. It created a deep political and religious divide between India and Pakistan though they were culturally and linguistically similar. The Kashmir dispute was like adding fuel to fire.


    India accuses Pakistan of supporting anti-India separatist and terrorist groups. There is a term used by Indian media called Cross-border terrorism to describe the Pakistan-linked terrorist activities in India. Every year, hundreds of people are killed in India due to terrorist attacks and credible evidence has been found linking them to Pakistan. India calls it Pakistan's proxy-war against India.

    Underworld and mafia groups in India like D-Company are believed to heavily supported by Pakistani agents. Indian intelligence agencies believe that India's most wanted underworld criminal, Dawood Ibrahim, is hiding in Pakistan.


    Both Pakistan and India want to portray themselves as regional powers. Since India has gained a considerable lead over Pakistan, the latter is helping China increase its influence in S Asia and Indian Ocean. For example, China is setting up a naval base in Gwalior, Pakistan to rival Indian dominance in Arabian Sea.

    Pakistan is the main opposer for India's bid for a permanent seat in UNSC. Pakistan has also blocked India's entrance into Organization of Islamic Countries. These policies don't help Indo-Pak relations.

  3. Partition is the beginning of problems. It is done intentionally by Britishers. Every one  knows story of two cats and a monkey on the issue of packet of butter.

    Power in the hands of military personnel and dictators :

    India is secular democratic country. While  Pakistan mostly ruled by Army chief. Most of the Islamic countries are either ruled by Kings or by dictators. The aim of the ruler is not welfare of the common man but his own.

    Education system.  There is a difference in education system in Islamic and non Islamic countries.

    No ruler in Pakistan ever tried or will try to leave peacefully with their nabours.  Because only then leaders in Pakistan earn popularity. They treat their nabours as their enemies.  

    Pakistan is interested in destabilising economy of India.  

    Selfish leaders:

    Indian policy makers are taking advantage of vote bank and they never sincerely tried to take steps ageist terrorists activities carried out by anti- nationals. Even Afzal guru is not hanged in case of attack on the Indian Parliament House at Delhi. Kapil Sibal pleading his case.

    In another incidence Maulana Mohammad Masood involved in terrorist activities  was  released and given escort by Central minister. These are the glaring examples how irresponsibly politicians behave in their own interest.


  5. Kashmir dispute is the main problem between India and Pakistan.  Besides this religion problem is also there.

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