
What is the probability of Europeans having partial Romani(Gypsy) ancestry?

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What is the probability of Europeans having partial Romani(Gypsy) ancestry?




  1. I would assume it's more common in Eastern Europe.

    That's a guess.

  2. They may marry within their group but the men being tall, dark and handsome with an aura of mystery of the ages, would they have not swooned many of a young European girl's heart.

    Of course.

  3. Hard to put a number on it, but the Roma are generally endogamous (they marry within their group) so their numbers will be fairly small in the general European population.

  4. Very high, during the Holocaust many gypsies fled their native country's and moved up to northern Europe, but many did not declare their gypsy status for fear of perseqution, the figures would be hard to obtain as a lot of people have gypsy/Romani blood and have no idea about it.

  5. I can't speak for the rest of Europe, but it's pretty high in the South East of England. A lot of them settled down here in the new housing estates after the second world war. The words 'chav' and 'minger' are Romani in origin. I know three Romani adults socially, how many others have some Rom blood I don't know. It's pretty common though. There aren't many mobile Romani now. Most of the travellers are Irish now.

    It depends what you mean by partial. If you go back more than ten generations you're related to just about everyone in your own country.

  6. 32% chance.

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