
What is the probable verdict if charged with domestic battery? details inside?

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please read carefully..

ok.. 2 yrs ago.. i filed a report to the police that my husband hit me. he didnt got arrested or anything. we just went to the District attorney's office and he gave him 2yrs probation.

last week, we BOTH got arrested and had some jail time FOR DOMESTIC BATTERY..we have a court trial coming soon and i really want to know whats gonna happen to each of us.. and if HIS case will be affected by the previous report(2yrs ago).. we cant afford to hire a lawyer.. please anybody with knowledge or experience??? im really worried..thanks...




  1. what do you want to have happen? Do you and you husband have a united view of this?Make you wishes known

  2. in all probability you will both get probation,pay fines and be court ordered to seek counseling

  3. .   You don't need a lawyer if you tell the complete truth.  If you start changing the story to make it sound better (i slipped and the knife accidently touched him) the judge will blast you.  Your husbands prior is a problem, but the truth will set him free. Dress nice, act respectful, and don't get mad at the prosecutor even if his words make you mad. I think you will get no punishment at all; just a warning.  The jails are full.

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