
What is the problem that is going on with Russia? Why are they attacking some small country?

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  1. Russia has UN mandate to keep peace keeping military in Georgia. Georgia is a CIS country (former USSR) that is polyethnic. On August 8 Georgia attacked Southern Osethia (region of Georgia that claimed its independence). More than 2000 people died. Russia interfered. The situation is complicated, but Georgian attack if far beyond humanitarian understanding.  

  2. Georgian army killed Russian citizens, and Russia answered.

    btw, Putin is still in government, he is prime minister.

  3. answer 1: Putin is no longer in Russian government.....

    Its just like the US stomping on the middle east- we feel as they do they have a right. Georgia is a form USSR member and they have been poking the bear a bit-

  4. They didn't just up and invade a small country, georgia indeed invaded one of it's own provinces called S. Ossetia.   Russia invaded in response to that attack.

    In less than a week, and after only three days of Russia responsding to an attack in Georgia Russia has agreed to withdraw it's forces and leave only a peacekeeping force in S. Ossetia.

    In general, Georgia Attacked. S. Ossetia, Russia did not like it and it was in violation of a ceasefire layed out by Russia in 1992.  In response the violation of the cease fire Russia made a quick and aggressive move to force the Georgian forces out of S. Ossetia.

  5. Not unlike some other countries who shall remain nameless?

  6. Hey guys, please read the comments of one member (not mine):

    "Georgia invaded and killed 2000 South Osatian civilians in the process. Russia has retaliated with force, this force is excessive to say the least, it is partly a peacekeeping process, but also partly a demonstration to the world that Russia is a force not to be underestimated. Russia is fed up of being treated the way it has been in past years, and is concerned why the USA and Europe are keeping such close surveillance on it (USA being chummy with a country on Russia's border seems to have a tactical element to it doesn’t it seem?) Georgia has no oil or gas, this would be the only possible explanation. USA recently erected a missile defense system in Poland.. possibly in the event of missile intervention from Russia perhaps or generic surveillance. Georgia started this conflict. USA will not get involved because of the 2 wars in the middle east and the possible nuclear conflict with Iran in the near future. Georgia is not worth a world war 3.

    Absolutly agree with this comment.

    American media were feeding the Americans I had to laugh:) They seem to be portraying Russia as the 'Bad Guys". Silly, as they leave out the most important facts about why it all is actually going down. The information is obviously subjective, meaning: one-sided, or even better: propaganda. The American government is responsible for the information you receive. Try to get the facts about what's going down outside the US.

    Another good point."

    Another question: Why you so concerned about Russia? Take a look at our own country(US)? Dont we have problems? Didnt we invaded and attacked other countries as well? What interest we have in Georgia?

  7. Putin is a putz and has delusions of the former soviet union.

  8. Russia does not want any free west-leaning nations directly on its border.  It has its own version of the Monroe Doctrine going.

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