
What is the problem that the new president should deal with first?

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What is the problem that the new president should deal with first?




  1. drilling for oil in our own gd country so the economy could start rolling again. I'm tired of digging for pennies in my couch for a half-gallon of gasoline just so i can go down to the store for a loaf of bread.

    did someone say healthcare? GET A ******* JOB. stop asking for gov't handouts because they want us to be dependent.

    global warming is a facade. the earth is actually been cooling over the last 5 years.

    war? when has a country NOT been at war? the pax romana?

    did you know that our troops sit around blowing off $1M dollar missles one after another just for their own enjoyment?


    BTW stop sitting your asses watching The Hills and go out and make your voices heard. Politicians can't do it all by themselves because if they don't know what we want, they can't do anything. It's FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! Join a party, go to town hall meetings, join your child's PTA.

    Hmmm... no one has said anything about gun control... interesting.

  2. Getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.  Once we do that our economy will get better.

  3. securing our borders, terrorist, oil dependency

      and on a lighter note if time how about cleaning up Hollywood and the actors who voice political opinions (stick to the scripts that is what we pay you to do) lol

  4. Congress!  The buck stops there and this endless, sickening partisan gridlock must be stopped.  Nothing else can get done when all they do is nothing.  McCain is the only one who can reach across the aisle.  He is respected, for the most part, by both sides.  Obama would bring nothing but more separation and animosity.  As much as he says he can work with Republicans, they distrust his ability, experience and motives...and Biden is no help there either.

  5. - abortion

    - the war in iraq [[ my father tells me i waste money.]]

    - g*y rights

    - health care

    - the homeless

    - taxes

    - education

    - crimes

    - lowering the driving age [[come on, don't you think a 14 year old could drive?!]]

    - lowering the drinking age [[i am so capable of watching myself]]

    - lowering the age when we are considered adults [[i want to leave already!]]

    GO OBAMA 08*

  6. Lets wait and see who actually gets into office first.  It may be that our biggest concern is the President himself.

  7. Energy crisis. Solve that and you solve about 50 percent of our problems.

  8. The war, health care, global warming, then gas prices.

  9. The economy

  10. It depends; if, God forbid, its Obama he will probably be deciding whether the upcoming requirement for burkhas have to be all black or if color choice is acceptable.

  11. Economy.

  12. Our most expensive problem.  Illegal immigration.

  13. putting bush and cheney in irons behind bars

  14. The trade ending all the unfair trade deals this country has foolishly signed!

  15. the war or were gonna end up with another vietnam and have it last 10 plus years

  16. Economy





  17. Mr. McCain.

  18. Here is a hint --

    1st WTC bombing by Al Qaeda  occurred in Feb 1993 and was a month after Clinton's inauguration for his first term.

    The second Al Qaeda attack on the WTC's occurred in Sept 2001, about 7.5 months after Bush's first inauguration.

    What would you be worried about first?  (Especially if you were Obama)

  19. Global Warming

  20. Installing spell and grammar check on the computers, they apparently havent been installed the past 8 years.

    Enforcing regulations on businesses.  We have had a free ride for 8 years which has left the dollar weak, the stock market down and the economy in the john.

  21. economy

  22. The corruption in congress.

  23. Energy policy

  24. The president should first get the funding to have a fence built on the Mexican border.

    And hire a private contractor to get it built quick!!

  25. prevention of the coming of the aliens from other galaxies. ja ja.

  26. End the war..... then restore habeas corpus, close Guantanamo Bay, Then deal with Poverty, Disabilities, fix failing schools, and Women issues.

  27. There are so many, it's hard to know where to begin, and I'm sure the elected party will have his or her hands full and wonder the same thing!

    The economy and jobs.

    Gas prices.

    The war.

    The list goes on from there.

  28. the economy. gas prices. food prices. every thing has changed.

  29. mexicans, g*y guys, and black gangsters

  30. gas prices

  31. Middle income family tax cuts...  

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