
What is the problem with Trig Palin?

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What is the problem with Trig Palin?




  1. In what way?  According to the news, he's a 4-month-old baby with Downs Syndrome.  

    Now, if you mean, what does that have to do with his mom's qualifications for Vice President, that's a whole other issue.  Mainly, the question is whether mom can really leave him for dad to take care of while mom runs off wherever the Pres sends her.  Some dads could handle that, sure, and the family ought to know whether dad can do it.  Then again, this is a family that chose to accept the VP nomination despite the fact that it was going to put their pregnant 17-year-old into the national spotlight during her senior year of high school . . . .

  2. I believe he has down syndrome.

  3. leave him alone

  4. Down's Syndrome.  It is a form of retardation.  All you Republicans who always call people retards are looking pretty hypocritcal right now aren't you?

  5. He was born with downs syndrome.  Hope you were truly curious not making fun of him.  I would hate to think anyone would be that cruel.

  6. Sarah Palin was told by doctors that if she got pregnant agin, the child would likely have Down's Syndrome.

    Well, she did--and Trig has Down's.

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