
What is the problem with my car ?!?!

by Guest60916  |  earlier

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I have a 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier. I have been having problems with my car starting up. The problem is is that sometimes I have to start up my car a couple of times for it to crank up. And at other times when it starts up weak I put my foot on the gas before i start it up and it cranks up just fine then. I have went to different mechanics and I have been told various things like a tune up (spark plugs, etc.), or a new ignition control module, or a new fuel pump assembly, or a new fuel pump relay. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS?




  1. Test the fuel pump's psi & flow at the fuel rail. Check the maintenance history to see if maintenance is required. Don't replace any parts that aren't worn or broken.

  2. fuel pump, injectors or a new oxygen sensor

  3. Check and make sure your battery terminals are clean and tight. Just helped a couple the other day that was the only trouble. After they were told they needed a new starter.

    Ok if you have new plugs and a new fuel filter already. If not change your plugs if they have any miles at all on them, Also your fuel filter. With the junk we're getting for gasoline now it could easily be getting stopped up.

    In fact one of my son in laws has been changing fuel filters about every other day for the last three weeks because of bad cheap gas. If he doesn't get the trash worked out we'll have to drop the tank and clean it.

    Don't forget your plug wires.

    We usually change ours every two years but there is a lot of humidity where we live.

    Next check your rail pressure if it is a CPI injection system. Should be between 65 and 95 pounds. If lower than that filter dirty or fuel pump going bad. Usually you'll hear the pump keep on running if it is not building enough pressure to shut off.

    If it is way higher than that you have the return line pinched (line going back to the tank) Ran into that the other day on one working on.

    Line was mashed about six inches from the tank. The driver swore she hadn't run over anything. But she had to have ran over something.

    If it is your fuel pump it is best to have it changed at a shop equipped for that since the tank has to be dropped which is a fire and explosion hazard in itself.  

  4.   1999 is equipped with OBDII  ,,, On Board Diagnostics Two or second generation. Find someone with a scanner to pull up any codes. Its a lot better than guessing. The three main problems with your model are ,,,fuel filter ,,,air filter,,,dirty throttle body  Good Luck

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