
What is the procedure for a root canal and why is it done?

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What is the procedure for a root canal and why is it done?




  1. Hi,the reason root canal treatment is done is because an infection starts around the apex of a tooth.The apex is the end of your root and the infection will show as a dark shadow when an xray is taken.The procedure is they open the infected tooth under local anaesthetic and first put a antibiotic dressing in,as the treatment is normally done over 3 visits.On the second visit they take out the dressing and use small files to take out the nerve and help relieve the infection and then re-dress the tooth,on the final visit they remove the dressing and if all of the infection has cleared the dentist then will fill the tooth up with rubber files called gutcha percha points and put a filling on top.This treatment is only 85-90% successful.Ask your dentists advice....good luck.

  2. When a cavity gets too deep and is not filled, the decay goes through to the root and this affects the nerve. Root canal needs to be performed and this can be done by removing the nerve of that tooth and putting a wire in it's place. Root canal is successful in 98% of cases, sometimes the infection re-occurs.  

  3. Root canal is normally a secondary treatment to a tooth that may need to be extracted. This treatment is used to remove the nerve ending of the tooth out and replace it with paper points that allow the tooth to survive with a "cap" (crown) on top. This is an alternative to extraction because the most important thing to do is save the tooth. This can be caused by a large cavity or trauma to the tooth. After the nerve is removed, the tooth is ultimately dead and needs to be filled with the paperpoints. The paperpoints act as the nerve ending in the canal. After the tooth is capped off with temporary filling, you will then have another appointment for the crown if you need one.  

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