
What is the procedure for getting dual citizenship for kid born in US for Indian parents?

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Myself and my wife came to US in H1 visa for work purpose and we had a kid here. Now the kid holds US citizenship, now we are planning to go back to India.

Now what are all the options that I have for my kid.

What is the procedure if I want to change my kid to Indian citizenship?

Please provide me proper info about this.






  1. First of all, India does not allow dual citizenship. If you want your child to become a full fledged citizen of India, the American citizenship will have to be given up. However, you do have another option called OCI, or Overseas Citizen of India. This will not allow your child ll of the full rights of Indian citizenship such as an Indian Passport, voting or holding certain government posts, but it does provide your child with a lifelong Indian visa and the exemption of registering with local police during a stay in India.

       In terms of the restrictions imposed by the U.S. on Dual citizenship, there are none.

       I would get your child a US passport and social security number and then get him/her registered with the Indian Embassy as an OCI. This can always be changed in the future.

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