
What is the procedure for taking a child out of public school with the intention to homeschool in Texas?

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What is the procedure for taking a child out of public school with the intention to homeschool in Texas?




  1. The only formalities are proving that your child is receiving an on-going education in spelling (English), math, science, history, civics, etc.

    You will need to establish this with books, test papers, essays, software programs.

    Some experts say you should conisder writing a letter to the school your child was in notifying them you are now homeschooling the child.

    IF you send that (and it isn't manditory) send it certified and keep a copy of the letter and your certificate of mailing.

    If they contact you it must be in writing and state specifics.  At that point you should consult with a Texas homeschool association for more information, but that probably won't happen.

    If a truant officer shows up, show them a copy of your letter if you sent one, show them the student, the books, the test papers, the essays and tell them Texas law allows your child to learn at home.

    If they give you static, tell them to put it in writing on letterhead and signed by an official.  That probably won't happen because it's a sure sign you are going to see a lawyer or take it to court and Texas schools lose all the time in courts.

    Don't give them any originals only copies.

    Again the ONLY formailities in Texas is that your child is receiving an on-going education in English/Spelling, numbers/math, science, history, social studies, etc.

  2. Check here:

    Best of luck!

  3. I don't know the specific answer for Texas, but... do a search on Yahoo!Groups for homeschooling groups in your area of Texas.  They're there.  If you can't find one, drop me a note and I'll search around for you.  (I'm not in TX)  They'll give you the best support you'll need -- don't rely on the dept of edu as they won't always tell you the truth; maybe not intentionally, but I've found most public educators really don't know.

    Good luck with your homeschooling!

  4. Here are your state regs, as well as a bunch of other info on homeschooling in TX:

    TX has some fairly easy laws when it comes to homeschooling.  Basically, you just notify the school in writing that you are withdrawing your child and jump right in.  Your homeschool is considered a private school.  (You do need to notify the school, though, so that truancy officers don't show up at your door.)

    If you need any suggestions for curriculums, etc., let us know - we're more than happy to help!

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