
What is the procedure of getting a statutory assessment for a child a( a statement)?

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hi yes i do mean by the school




  1. hi im in my final year of special needs education.

    You need to see the school first, and tell them that you would like a statement for your child.

    The special educational needs of the majority of children should be met effectively through School Action and School Action Plus. However, in a small number of cases, where the child is still a significant cause for concern after intervention in School Action Plus, the school will ask the LEA for a Statutory Assessment.

    Statutory Assessment involves the LEA, working co-operatively with parents, the child's school and other agencies, as appropriate, deciding whether a statutory assessment of the child's educational needs is necessary. If so, the assessment is conducted in close collaboration with the parents, schools and other agencies. Statutory assessment does not always lead to a statement.

    The LEA will seek evidence from the school that strategies and programmes implemented over a period of time have been unsuccessful. The LEA will need information about the child's progress over time and clear documentation on the child's SEN and the action taken to deal with these needs.

    Evidence needed for Statutory Assessment

    The school should provide:

    the action taken through School Action and School Action Plus;

    individual education plans for the pupil;

    record of regular reviews and their outcomes;

    the pupil's health, including medical history where relevant;

    National Curriculum levels;

    evidence of progress over time;

    attainments in literacy and mathematics;

    educational and other assessments, for example from an advisory specialist, support teacher or educational psychologist;

    views of the parents and child;

    evidence of the involvement of other professionals, social services or the education welfare service.

    The description of the child's learning difficulty and progress, with information about any specialist provision made, will form the basis on which the LEA considers the necessity of a statutory assessment.

    If the LEA support services, in particular the educational psychologist, have been involved, the LEA should be able to make a decision relatively quickly as to whether a statutory assessment is necessary.

    In the meantime, and while any assessment is being made, the child should be supported through School Action Plus.

    I hope i helped,sorry its alot of info to take in. x

  2. Do you mean an assesment done by a school to see if child qualifies for special education services??  If so let me know and I can help you further.

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