
What is the procedure of getting braces...can you tell me step by step?

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What is the procedure of getting braces...can you tell me step by step?




  1. OMG I worried about EXACTLY the same thing when I got braces 4 months ago lol.

    OK, I'm not going to lie to you, it's really not a lot of fun. First, you go in to the office, and they do a bunch of x-rays and molds (the molds suck) and you come back later to hear what you're going to get. But on with the braces...

    You may have to get spacers. These are rubber-band type or metal, and it depends on your condition how long you wear them. Then, you go in and they may put bands, that wrap all around the teeth, on the back molars usually, if you don't already have them from spacers. (I did.) Then, be sure to take care of your lips because they have a bunch of lip and toungue stretchers and pull-y thingies and stuff...your mouth feels REALLLY exposed and extremely weird.

    Then they brush a coating on (this part you don't really feel anything at all) to "prepare your enamel for the glue". Then they put on the atcual glue and position the brackets. You're told to close your eyes as the shine a bright purple-blue light onto the brackets to make the glue secure...pretty nifty eh; this is to make sure that they have just the right amount of time to do the brackets (the small, boxy-shaped metal part). After that, they thread the wires in (you may start to feel a little bit of pressure) and some orthodontists (mine does) offer colors. I would just go for it and get whatever you want...having braces can be sucky but ur stuck with 'em, so may as well have fun with them! lol You get ur colors changed when you go back for adjustments (every month or so), So don't worry if you end up not liking the's a site you can go to

    Your teeth should HURT LIKE HECK--the understatement of the year lol--for 3-4 days and after you get adjustments. The worst pain is usually around the second day...take ibuprofen, it should help a lot.

    Last but not least, my personal reccomendations is to wear your headgear, rubber bands, stuff like that etc. as reccomended by ur ortho, u want 2 have your braces off as soon as possible right?!

    OK, this is kind of a but hope i helped. Ask me if u have any more q's. and good luck w/ braces!


  2. First you get spacers in between your very back teeth.

    Then a week later you get them out and get your braces on.

    It hurts for the first maybe few days to a week.

    You go back about every month  to get them checked, and get your elastics changed.

    When your teeth are straight you get them off, and have to wear a retainer.

  3. Before we talk about the braces, here are a few things I think you should do before you get them on.  The most important thing is to eat all the things that you won't be able to eat for about two years.  Caramel apples, Corn on the Cob (with braces, you'll have to cut the kernels off) , Taffy... Also, it seems kind of strange, but since I have had braces for a year and 8 months, I ghave forgotten how my teeth felt without braces, and I cant wait to feel that again!  I do like my braces though...  Anyway, enjoy flossing easily!  It takes me about 3 or 4 minuites to floss now, and when I get them off, I'm going to floss alot!  

    For the braces:  

    Have you already had a consultation appointment?  If not, that's you're first step.  When you're there, you'll probably get impressions, which are molds of your teeth so your ortho can develop a plan of treatment.  

    The day you get them on, you'll go in the chair, and they will put plastic things in your mouth to hold your mouth open on each side of the corners of your mouth.  Then, they'll pile on the cotton balls in your mouth to dry it out, and they'l put glue on your teeth to stick the brackets on.  They may just place the glue on each bracket, but you never know.  If you end up tasting the glue how I did, it's really sour.  by that time, your mouth will probably be really dry...My toungue was tingling!  Then, the ortho will place each bracket on each tooth, and shine a light on it to make sure it's in place.  Then, they'll put a wire on to connect them, and you'll choose a color to finish it off.

    this is a great website to use.  I've found that it's the most realistic as to what the colors will look like.  Good Luck!  I hop this helps to prepare you!

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