
What is the procedure to reduce anger?

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What is the procedure to reduce anger?




  1. Count to ten and take deep breaths. It works for me. Good Luck.

  2. Try not to take comments personally and when you do get involved in something where you do get annoyed , count to 10 or walk away

    I had the same issue when I was younger and often used to make return comments without even thinking about what I was saying . I found out eventually .....  that is was much better to wait and reply when you had thought things through

    This is especially the case with emails !!!

  3. Do something physical to reduce anger.  

    I like to workout so when I get angry I go do that.  

    I also play hockey and can sometimes take out my anger on opponents.

    Punching bags work too.

    There are also other benefits of these activities besides anger reduction...they are healthy and keep you fit.

  4. Meditation, breathing exercises and trial and error in these methods really will help. Realizing that getting angered will not really get you any further is half the battle. You can also try hypnosis methods such as popular cd's and tapes that are Excellent in helping to reduce anger by programming the mind to eliminate this negative behavioural pattern.

  5. Goosfraba, No really all joking aside. it really works! also regular breathing, cuz if you stop breathing you get pretty angry!

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