
What is the process for deciding what team a player's jersey is retired with in the NHL?

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Does the franchise simply decide that they want to retire a player's jersey or is it decided by the league or the player himself? Also, can a jersey be retired by more than one team? For instance, with a Hall of Fame player like Jaromir Jagr who had great years in Pittsburgh but doesn't have that much public approval among Penguins fans anymore, will his jersey be retired by the Penguins? If he retires with the Rangers after rebuilding the franchise will it be retired by the Rangers? Or neither? Also, if you could give some examples of other similar situations I would appreciate it.




  1. iim sure the GM and presidet of a franchise talk over the posibility of retiring a player.  They probably go on popular demand from the fans.  Some cases it is a no brianer that a player's number should be retired with a certain team.  Take Olie kolzig 37 should be retired with the caps since he's been there what 17 seasons regaurdless if he plays 1 more season with another team.  Jagr is a tougher one but i think he will be retired with the rags if he stays there longer and get them further in the playoffs or another cup.

  2. They negotiate with the NHLPA (I believe) and the president of the NHL.

  3. The criteria for retiring a number would vary from team to team, and even within the history of a team if they move the current team may not necessarily honor the number they retired in a previous city. The Carolina Hurricanes have players wearing #2 and #19, both retired by the Hartford Whalers before their relocation to NC in 1997, although Gordie Howe's #9 remains out of circulation, probably forever.

  4. a jersey is retired when there is a truly phenomenal player with that jersey number. The player really has to just be outstanding.

  5. It's the decision of the franchise, except for #99, which the NHL retired league wide.

    The Pens might retire his jersey, I doubt it, but it's within the realm of possibility. The oilers retired Messier's 11, as did the rangers. Jagr will probably get his number retired at east by the rangers.

    Usually the team that retires the jersey is the team the player played with his last season, or most of it- think Ron Francis leaving as a rental, but the hurricanes retiring 10, or Leetch leaving for boston but 2 still being retired for the rangers.

    It really depends a lot on the situation. But there are no set guidelines, it's solely the decision of the team.

  6. Pittsburgh fans are pricks if they don't give Jagr the respect he deserves.  He played his best years in Pittsburgh and was tremendously successful.  Look at Brian Leetch... same thing, he retired with a different team, but the Rangers fans still gave him a standing O every time he returned to the Garden, and his number was recently retired by the NY Rangers.

    If you follow plots and storylines instead of appreciating the sport and hard work someone puts in, maybe you should be watching wrestling instead.

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