
What is the process for my American fiance to get citizenship in Australia once we're married?

by Guest65911  |  earlier

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I am Australian. My fiance is American and we are moving to America and getting married... How does he and what is the process for him getting citizenship in Australia?

Thanks in advance for any help :)




  1. If you’re moving to America, why does he even need Australian citizenship?  

  2. If he wants citizenship in Australia, he has to renounce his American citizenship and passport. He then has to apply for a residency, and then citizenship in Australia, as well as an Australian passport.

    For residency, you'd have to fill out forms for a residency in Australia, he'd need a sponsor, which is most likely the spouse or spouse's family, and the whole process can take about 6 months.

    You will have to have background checks done with both the American and Australian federal police, as well as any local police in the state that your fiance has lived in for more than 12 months.

    Australia requires you to have a medical examination to make sure that a person applying for a residency visa is not bringing in any communicable diseases/ viruses/ etc.

    You will also need proof that you are a real couple, and that you have met in person, pictures/invitations addressed to both of you/ proof that you have traveled together/ etc are all good examples. Start collecting all of these proofs now, because the more you have the better.

    When I applied for my residency, I collected every plane ticket, picture, letter, invitation, anything that proved we had spent time together and we were a real couple. I also had letters from both sets of families that showed that our families were supporting our relationship too. I had friends also declare that they knew us and our relationship.

    Head to the immigration website for Australia, to double check what you need to do exactly, and to search for what specific visa you need for him to come over.

    Overall, it's a very expensive and emotional experience.  And there's always the chance that you have to spend some time apart, because as a non-Australian citizen, sometimes you have to be in your native country for a residency to be awarded.

    Good luck.

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