
What is the process for reporting a driver who almost swiped your car?

by  |  earlier

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I was on my way home from work this afternoon I was doing about 60 - 65 mph when to the right of me I noticed a red Honda Civic cx (065 ZPG WA plates) with his blinker on. I maintained my speed and noticed I couldn't move to the left-hand lane and there was a gap in front and in back of me so figured he could move in either one.

Well, much to my chagrin, the person sped up enough to leave about an INCH or two between my bumper and his. I would like to report him to... his insurance company? his mother? the police station? What are my options, if any? Thanks.




  1. almost don't count.

  2. He didn't hit you? Then there is nothing to do but ***** about it. (works for me) You should have used your middle finger while you had the chance!

  3. Call the cops if you want.

    Just be happy he didn't hit you.

    There are idiots everywhere, one almost got you.

  4. Report the idiot and almost does count because by reporting this person you may save someone elses life......

  5. If you see that car again you should Key the h**l out of it. LOL! Or you can just let it go, The best thing :)

  6. Just assume it was a nice little old lady with bad vision and slow reflexes.  Let it go.  Harbouring anger is not healthy.  Keep up those excellent defensive driving skills and glad youre ok!

  7. At this point, let it go, nothing can be done.

    When it happened, if the person was driving reckless, you could have called the police/highway patrol and reported them with the license plate as a reckless driver.  Then the information would get broadcast over the police frequency for the officers to "Be On the Lookout" (BOL) for that particular vehicle.

    Sorry to say, but, this will happen to you many more times.

  8. just let it go and be thankful you did not get into an accident.  if they keep driving like an idiot they will get what they have coming to them

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