
What is the process of auditing of insurance company?

by Guest59011  |  earlier

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What is the process of auditing of insurance company?




  1. Reviewing the effectiveness and utilization of assets is not

    within the purview of a security audit. Security audits

    primarily focus on the evaluation of the policies and

    procedures that ensure the confidentiality, integrity and

    availability of data. During an audit of security the IS

    auditor would normally review access to assets, and validate

    the physical and environmental controls to the extent

    necessary to satisfy the audit requirements. The IS auditor

    would also review logical access policies and compare them

    to job profiles to ensure that excessive access has not been

    granted. The review also would include an evaluation of

    asset safeguards and procedures to prevent unauthorized

    access to assets.


  2. Mr.Kalra has given a brief answer.  The IRDA has some procedures, which will be followed at the time of audit and must comply with the mandatory and statutory requirement of IRDA regulation.  The entire audit process should be within the purview of the IRDA ACT.

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