
What is the process of getting a waiver for PRK eye surgery for the military?

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I read that eye surgery could can disqualify you in the AF or Navy ROTC.

When could would I need to have it done?




  1. Once you are active duty, you can have PRK done for free.  The Navy considers it an "elective" surgery, but will pay for it.  If you pay to have it done as a civilian, then you will have to wait 1 year after surgery to go into the Navy.  The Navy will then require a copy of your medical documents prior to your enlistment.  My recommendation is wait to have the military do it.  Good luck

  2. it used to be a disqualifier, but now is an accepted procedure.  what has to happen is that the physical must clear you and that you dont have any problems that might DQ you (scarring, loss of vision, etc).  from an AF view, they used to be afraid the eye would rupture at high-g forces if you had had surgery.  From a eval standpoint, the military would prefer you get PRK rather than Lasik, although I was active duty AF and had Lasik done (before they started paying for Lasik--my eyes were out of the bounds for PRK) and I had NO problems.

    Had I had the surgery in college, healed for a couple of years, I could have gone to flight school instead.  I would have done that in a heartbeat!!

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