
What is the process to become a n arcaeologist?

by Guest34016  |  earlier

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Please pardon my spellings. But can someone please help me what an archaeologist exactly does, and how good is career in this field?




  1. Although a non-related degree does not preclude you from entry into archaeology, degrees in the following areas will certainly increase your chances of employment:


    ancient history;



    heritage management.

    There are some specialisms where a science degree, including subjects such as biology, botany, medicine, geography, geology, zoology and environmental science, could be more appropriate than a purely archaeological qualification.

    Entry without a degree is possible. Site-based experience is vital for work as a commercial digger and practical training courses are becoming increasingly available.

    An HND in computing could be useful because of the recent expansion in computer applications in archaeology. Knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) and geographical information systems (GIS) is very beneficial.

    A postgraduate (conversion) qualification in archaeology may be helpful if a specialist skill or knowledge, such as human or animal bone analysis, is required. Specialist postgraduate courses are available in a wide variety of subjects. These are particularly useful for those wanting to specialise and pursue an academic career. Most courses are offered on either a full- or part-time basis, and some are available via distance learning. A list of courses can be found on the website of the British Archaeological Jobs Resource (BAJR) or look in Prospects Postgraduate Directory.

    Pre-entry work experience, above and beyond the compulsory fieldwork experience involved in undergraduate study, will demonstrate commitment and a genuine interest in becoming a professional archaeologist, and volunteering is the best way to gain this experience. The majority of volunteers start as diggers, who must be enthusiastic and flexible. Current Archaeology, Current World Archaeology, the Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin (AFOB), and Archaeology Abroad contain detailed programmes of volunteer digs and contacts. Potential archaeologists need to demonstrate evidence of the following:

    organisational skills - essential because of the varied nature of archaeology and to keep on top of enquiries and preparatory work;

    accuracy and attention to detail, coupled with a methodical, structured approach to work;

    flexibility and a willingness to keep up to date with developments in archaeology;

    aptitude for teamwork;

    excellent communication skills, both written and oral;

    good computing and IT skills and a willingness to keep up to date with technological developments;

    an analytical and inquisitive mind;

    dedication to the subject area;

    being self-motivated and focused.

    Being physically fit and resilient is also important in many posts as a lot of the work may be outdoors in potentially demanding environments.

  2. You have to go to a school that has a program in archaeology.  It is a great career.  Besides going to ancient digs, archaeologists are on call any time a new building gets built, to make sure they aren't building on anything that has historic value or significance.

  3. Well, you dig and dust.

    And to be an archaeologist, you go to university, and from there you buy a shovel and a brush and hope to god you find a dinosaur or pyramid.

  4. You need to go to University in order to accomplish this goal.  That you have set for yourself.

    Not being an Archaeloogist myself, you would do well to approach the local Museum.  See the Bods (people) whom are involved in this Sudy of old things.  You would be surprised by how much knowledge is  "lying in the ground"    waiting to be discovered.

    And good luck to you !

  5. Go to school dumb one. Don't you have to study to become something. If you can ask how to be an archaelolgist, and spell it correctly, grow up.  Ask a better question.

  6. IDK

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