
What is the profile of an american who goes to the war?

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Is he or she obliged to go?.

What happens if they refuse to go?

Ive heard many versions that they are voluntiers and other that they have to go to war until they are 21 or 24.

So all of them have to wait until the goverment calls them?

Im mexican I would like to know




  1. no profile. they come from poor to rich, athiest to radicals, the only common factor i see i the idea of serving a greater cause. not all but most i would guess. and yes, once you join, you are obligated to follow orders. if that idea does not appeal to you, it is best to stay away from the armed services. nothing like a master chief telling what a piece of c**p you are at four in the morning during boot, ahh the good ole days.

  2. Servicemembers who refuse to obey orders can be brought up on charges under UCMJ (the Uniform Code of Military Justice). These individuals may be incarcerated.

  3. The United States military is all volunteers.

  4. My husband is over age 40, he has never HAD ( as in called up from a quiet civilian life, handed a gun and got told to fight) to go to War but has been in the military during every conflict the US has had since 1985. He volunteered to protect and defend our country. He belongs to the military in the sense that he goes to the military base every day like a regular job. He does the same type of thing there as he would if he did his job for a civilian corporation...he is an electronics engineer and does satellite communications. Every so often they are called to go into a war zone. When he is, he just goes, and considers the experience just part of his job.

  5. We have an all volunteer military force in the United States and have had this system since 1973.  Why would you refuse if you volunteered in the first place.  The Government does not call them, they volunteer.

  6. if your looking for an easy citizenship join the US NAVY.

  7. The military is all volunteer right now.

    Young men must still register for the draft when they turn 18, but the draft is not active at this time. It hasn't been since since sometime in 1975.

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