
What is the proper age to get my kids to start smoking... ?

by Guest62499  |  earlier

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...meat? I mean it seems like a good idea for them to know how to cook; and it might be a good way to spend some quality time with them.

But is there a certain age that they should be before I teach them how to use the meat smoker?




  1. Heh heh.

    10, start 'em off early.

  2. lol- did I just miss a ROAMing Q?

    When they are tall enough to reach over the coals.

  3. 14

  4. I'd say they'd have to be at least 18 to smoke my meat.

  5. When they know not to touch the hot parts of the smoker. I would say when you are comfortable with them cooking on the stove by themselves,then that is when you should teach them to use that.

  6. Lol. xD I thought you were going to say smoking cigarettes, but I don't think that is like you!~ I think you should teach them the basics when they are young and then get into detail around 13 or around when they are a pre-teen. Well, it depends on how much they listen to you...I don't know much about barbeque and smoking so...(._.") That's nice that you wanna teach them to cook. n_n

  7. Wow i seriously thought you meant smoking cigs until I opened this up. I would probably start teaching them at maybe 8 or so but really it depends on the child....if they will take it seriously or goof around

  8. Hahaha you are clever.

  9. Nope, there is no age limit to smoke meat.  

  10. at age 6 , is when i started smoking c igarettes

  11. g*y

  12. lol u got me!

    I would say about 13.

  13. I'd say start teaching around 11.  I would think by 14 they would be pros!  :)

  14. It depends  it could be  at 13 or at 16 they start at ages that  they see kids their age doing it .The best thing to do is talk to your kids and let them know the bad thing that smoking does to the body.

  15. You start them off as an apprentice meat smoker at around age 7 they advance annually until they become meatmasters

  16. I wouldn't say a specific age, but I think it'd be okay once they understand how to be around a fire without you worrying about them burning themselves by being irresponsible. They should have some basic understanding of safety, etc.  

  17. Some of my best friends are meat-smokers...

    They say it's best to dry it out first, otherwise it's tough to keep it lit.

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