
What is the proper amount of time a Husband should mourn His Wife's passing?

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It has been over 4 months,




  1. How long were you married? How bonded were you? How did you love her? How did she love you? How do you feel about her memory? Do you have children? If you dated how would it affect them? This is all about what you think is right in your heart. If my husband were to pass,as we have been married for thirtysomething years, I would be more inclined to at least be a year or two, probably longer for me, before I choose to look for another special someone to fulfill my life....Good Luck and I am sorry about the passing of your wife

  2. There is no set time for mourning, It has a lot to do with the relationship that one had with their spouse. How would she feel? Would she want you to move and or put your life on hold. No one can really say what lies in the future for you. You alone have to search your heart and mind and decide if you are ready to move on.

  3. It's different for everyone....time will only tell....

    Sorry for your loss.

    Take care

  4. it could be forever guy  if he truly loved it be  along time

  5. Take however long you need.  My sister-in-law remarried after 4 years of my brother's death and, from what I hear, she is very happy.  She if it wasnt for my brother telling her thats what he wants, she wouldnt have.  And she's happy being remarried.  She still talks about him a lot and even has their wedding pictures up around the house.  Her new husband respects that.  Its a hard thing to go through, it may never go away but with time, it gets easier.

  6. There is no real answer to this question. I asked my boyfriend and he just said "a lifetime". He meant that if your love for her was strong enough, it will take a lifetime to "get over it".

    My answer is a little more in-depth. A heart can't hide the way it feels. Everyone is different in their own unique way. When 2 people have shared that much of their lives together you can't just keep going. Every little thing will remind you of her. I know it sounds strange, but sometimes even the smell of coffee in the mornings reminds you of something that she did for you, or with you. The more you remember, the more you can honestly admit that you miss her.

    It might take just a little while, it may take the rest of your life. Only you can make that determination. When you are through mourning, your body will tell you and be able to accept it.

    You never know you might be walking through sporting goods department at WalMart, or going to pick up apples at the grocery store and "bump" into someone that strikes your interest.

    Everyone has a right to be happy. Some people are doing one thing, and some people are happy doing something else. God made everyone different for a reason. You could try to pray about it. I am not a very religious person but I do believe in guardian angels and the power of prayer.

    It might help to have someone to talk to so that you can determine what route is the best for you at this point. I can not tell you to just go out and start dating because I couldn't do that. Some people might find someone else to be with so they are not lonely. Others might choose to stay single so that they don't have to take a chance of going through it again. But ya know, it doesn't hurt to have friends. People to talk to, people to do things with, people to pick you up when you fall down. Your heart is an open book that should be read gently and handled with the utmost of care. Be careful but don't throw out an opportunity just because of fear. You never know unless you try.

    Keep asking yourself "What would she want me to do? Would she want me to stay single? Would she want me to find someone else? Does she want me to be lonely missing her for the rest of my life?" It will be tough, but with faith you will survive. Just be patient and pray daily for the right answer for you. You will know when you get your answer.






  8. There is no proper amount of time, but you should think of what your wife would want you to do. Would she want you to mourn for her or would she want you to be happy and live your life happy. Live your life for the both of you :) be happy in your life and im sure your wife will be to. x i wish you all the best :)

  9. First of all, I am very sorry for your loss.  I don't think that there is a set time period that you should be mourning.  I think it should be whatever your heart feels.  You should also think about what your wife would have wanted you to do.  My dad's brother lost his wife a couple years ago and less than 2 weeks after her passing he was already looking for relatives that would be willing to take care of their 7 year old son.  He also kicked out his 20 year old stepson, they never got along but he was the only father the kid had ever known.  Then one month after her passing he had already found a new woman.  They got married 2 months later.  

    There are people like this in the world.  I don't think anyone would judge you if you stop your mourning.  

  10. Bare minimum 12 months.  

  11. Aww i'm sorry to hear that......but i think there is no proper amount of time, its just whenever you feel ready.....x


  12. There is no giving time, Everybody is different remembering the good times does help ease the pain. Still early days yet try and be around happy people sorry to hear this sending hugs to you x

  13. 2 weeks..

    pick yourself up, dust off and start all over again.

    She's not coming home, time to shop for a new model.

  14. Dude I admire you. I've seen some guys who've moved on less than 2 months after and started dating and then got married before a year had passed. Here you are mourning for her for 4 months straight. There's no definite amount of time for mourning and you should go with your gut as to what would your beloved would have wanted you to do. Mourning doesn't mean skipping out on life. Live on for her. And while you live on, don't forget her. What you two went through and the time you spent together is precious and it builds heart. Sure you can start over again, but keep your memories of her too. Just go with what you think is right, because only you know that.

  15. I have read that the grieving process lasts about 2 years.

  16. Until you feel ready to move on

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