
What is the proper coffee to water ratio?

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I want to make 6 cups of coffee how many tablespoons of coffee should I use? or tablespoons per two cups




  1. If you are brewing fresh ground coffee, you should use 7 grams (well rounded table spoon) of coffee for each 6 ounces of water.

    If you are using that powdered stuff...I haven't a clue...

  2. I go with G on this. I, too, was taught the 1 scoop for every two cups rule. And, I also add a 'half-a-scoop' for the pot. This was the way my folks made it and they used to have a coffepot going all day long.

    If the coffee you've made is too strong, someitmes a wee dash of salt, really a pinch, might help smooth it out. The stronger the better for me,,,shucks now I'm off to get a cuppa joe...c ya

  3. Not instant here!!  Regular coffee, perk or drip, like that, Is 1 tbsp. per 6 or 8 ozs.  water.

  4. two table spoons for every 6 oz of water

  5. Three for medium strength, 3.5-4 for strong coffee. I was taught the one tablespoon for every two cups rule. I like my coffee pretty strong, so I usually add an extra half-full tablespoon. The rule is pretty accurate. :)

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