
What is the proper/legal ways to bring a Filipino lady to America?

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I have chatted with a Filipino lady and we both expressed an intrest to have her come to America. Where do I start? What does she need to do? If she needs funds for her part what is the best way? And, lastly can any of our respective embassies be of help?...thank you in advance.




  1. First, I would have her get a passport and come here for a visit to see if she really wants to actually emigrate.

    If so, here's the link for all your questions:

  2. wow great for you to have that dream realized. goodluck with your tour. and for the travel here in the Philippines, it would be good to meet with that girl first before you intend to make any further actions. most of our countrymen are longing to leave the country, thinking that life abroad would help them get out of their misery. poverty is inevitable in the philippines.

    ask her to meet with you somewhere else in Manila or to wherever you intend to go to. that way,you would get to know her better.

  3. enjoy your euro & asian trips. sure would be nice if you could meet your lady friend while you're in the philippines.

    as for her to come to the states, she would need a passport (issued by her government) and a tourist visa (issued by your embassy).  the latter is very hard to get.

  4. It really depends on her purpose.. Would it be for a visit only or would it be for you 2 to live together? If she is just visiting then all she has to do is apply for a B2 Visa for visitors for pleasure. She has to go and pay a fee to BPI (Bank of the Philippine Islands) and then schedule her interview appointment in the US Embassy in Manila online. Then, she has to fill-out all the required forms and attain the required documents. She has to prove to the interviewing official that she's just coming for a visit so just tell her not to mention any love connections or dating to the official because it can be a grounds for denial because they will think that she will get married here in the US and not come back.. She has to prove that she has no intentions of staying in the US more than the alloted time. The maximum is 6 months but it can still be extended by filing another form and paying a fee for a maximum of another 6 months..

    If she is coming over to get married to you, then you either have to file for a K Visa or fiance Visa petition. She will have to provide you her biographic data to be filled out in an INS form and other documents. Then, you have to submit the petition to INS with all the required documents including the fee.. You can also get married in the Philippines and just petition her as a relative here in the US. You will have to prove that you have enough income to support 2 people (her and yourself) in filing a petition as well as 3 years of W2 and Income Tax Statements.

    Ohh, and remember that all expenses may be more than likely come from you.. I suggest just visiting her first because it's way cheaper to fly over there and less complications..  You can just travel with her to neighboring countries like HongKong, Singapore, or Korea if you want to go sightseeing  other than in the Philippines..

    At least you'll get to know her without compromising yourself especially that you haven't really met her yet.. Internet has a pool of crooks and advantage takers so be careful..


  5. Jack has a good point to ponder. If you are certain, meet her family first then expect that they will dig to your pocket full of cash through her. You will treat them out for everything or the family feud and bad gossips come alive like a wild fire. Be careful what you wish for and don't be a victim!

  6. Does your country running out of good and pretty women?

  7. Apply her as soon as you can for a US visa and then she will be schedule for an interview, this takes awhile. Well, having funds as a tourist is only secondary. The main reason why US consulates grant visas is because you have to convince them that you have no intentions in living or working in the US and you will have to come back to the Philippines. (examples: You have a good paying job in Philippines, Land property houses, small children ..etc)  

  8. She may apply for a tourist visa at the US Embassy. Certain qualifications apply.  She may come on a fiance visa.  Its a very long, complicated, expensive process for any Filipino National to gain entry into the USA at this time.  You could go there for just the cost of a ticket if you have a passport.  Maybe you decide after that visit.  I urge you to be very careful in your funding of this endeavor.  As sweet as they all are, there are swindlers and crooks mixed in with the regular people there and you really can't tell the difference on the internet. Good luck.

  9. Your country is wide and big. Why can't you find a better girl in your own country? Why a filipino? Don't regret in the future.  

  10. Fiancee visa is the easiest way... I may not be agree with the other guys above but juz be careful with ur endeavors.. And be totally sure about her. Better yet, visit her. ^_^  

  11. she should apply for a tourist visa and this is rarely given by the US embassy.  a lot of things to consider like her job should be stable and should have strong family ties in the Phils.  my advice to you is just meet her in person in Phils and enjoy her company.  forget about her going to america for it's not easy.  

  12. If you don't plan to marry her, then you may consider filing for a tourist VISA which will allow her to visit for 90 days.  However, tourist VISA's are not granted so easily.  She must prove that she has considerable wealth, property, and traveling history to convince the US embassy that she plans to return to the Philippines after visitation.

    First thing you'll need to do is visit INS website ( and learn more about the policies and procedures.  Fill out online forms and pay the necessary fees.

    If you need to send her money, get her account and bank information then find their remittance centers in the U.S., if available.  If there are no remittance centers for her bank available, try other methods (, MoneyGram, LBC, etc.).

    If you plan to marry her, then you may consider filing for a spousal VISA (after marrying her in Philippines) or fiance VISA (90 days in US to marry her).  However, that's a whole new topic in itself.  You should post another question regarding your relationship with her before you commit to something that can result in so many possibilities you may not be aware of.

    Good luck!

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