
What is the proper lingo for ordering a coffee at Tim Hortons?

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I tried ordering in Nova Scotia the way I would in the States (2 creams, 1 sugar). They stopped and got irritated with me but the kind guy behind us "translated". I didn't catch what he said though. Can anyone explain Tim Horton speak to me?




  1. uh heres what my mom says. she doesnt even need to talk anymore though when she walks in they start making it lmao its hillaarios. "i'de like a extra large double double to go please." and we say it the same way maybe he was new and he didnt know how much 1 or 2 was when it came to that. and man you gotta know time hortens its the besxt place in the world.

  2. Ask for a 'Single Sugar, Double Cream'...

    Actually, just order it 'Double Double', they're less likely to make a mistake... Plus the coffee is bitter, which is why everyone puts 2 sugar in it...

  3. Saying 2 cream 1 sugar is acceptable. Older employees will understand (Cream first sugar second) just the numbers ex) the size then  "2 and 1"

    Regular= 1 cream 1 Sugar

    DoubleDouble= 2 cream 2 Sugar

    TripleTriple= 3 Cream 3 sugar

  4. I've heard that too, for the number of creams and sugars you need to say it. Like double double or triple triple. Kind of a weird system if you ask me...

  5. double double = two cream, two sugar

    Ive never ordered it an other Im not sure what you'd call anything else.

    All I know is its yummy coffee!

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