
What is the proper punishment for a high school senior with an anger problem who pushes shelves over in the?

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school library? And threatens teachers?




  1. Eviction.  You can only accomplish so much as a parent, then the child is responsible for his own behavior and any consequences.  He should have been evaluated by now by a professional to see what's behind the anger issues.  But when someone is that disruptive and violent, protecting those around him becomes a priority, and that may mean tossing him out of school (he can get his GED later if he ever gets control of himself) and tossing him out of the house (if he's over 18).

  2. If he has anger problems take him to a doctor or the best way ever to get rid of anger (at least for me) is boxing :)

  3. I'd say someone needs to have this kid seriously assessed, medically, emotionally,psychologically. He obviously has some kind of anger problem. Soon enough that shelf will turn into a kid or teacher.

  4. Does this student have a disability? An IEP? A behavior plan? If so, discipline may be different  from a student who does not have a disability. I know in my high school, if the student didn't have a disability, expulsion would probably be the end result. Either way, I hope this student is getting some psychological support.

  5. community service...but make sure that the supervisor for it is Ex military. The ex military guys who do volunteer work don't take any of this nonsense from kids

  6. Expulsion 4 cert

  7. suspension

  8. 1 year in prison.

  9. a psychologist.

  10. Not graduating with his class!!!

  11. ermm permanent exclusion/suspension/expelled

  12. --*--Well first of all, he should have to clean the library, then go to some intense interrogation and counseling to find out what the c**p is his problem. Then I'd suggest doing some community service by cleaning the local high way using only a push pin to pick up the garbage, while being followed closely by rabid German Shepard's and a police officer with a sandbag shotgun.... then maybe he would re-think his little attitude problem--*--

  13. worst case, theropy. he/she can be arrested so they must be helped NOW

    punishment will not work.

    you need to just have a calm conversation that does not involve yelling. if they yell, dont yell back, dont tell them to stop yelling, just let them cool off on their own. just tell them how you feel. dont argue, and be a good listener.

    good luck.

    trust me, if you act angry, they will only be more angry. dont raise your voice no matter what. show by example how to handle things calmly, it will take time, but now is better than later to start. they will learn, they just need something, someone to talk to. no one is angry for no reason. there are things that have built up over time that are making him/her angry, just talk to them, i feel it is the best wa to get thru.

    if nothing works out, i suggest making them do charity work, but YOU should do it with them. He/she may feel more alone than you think........

  14. He or she needs some professional help, that is the first step.  Punishment at this afe is not going to change the action, but only fuel it.  You need to get to the root of the problem, before they become 18 and are considered an adult.  Good luck

  15. Fix any broken shelves, restack all the books, apoligize to librarian and any teachers he threatened and then have him talk to a counselor(not the school one) or a psychiatrist about his anger problem.

  16. one year hard time in a state pen, total financial restitution for the damage done (including hospital bills) and a 500,000dollar fine.

    and anger management and counseling for atleast 10 years.

    no release from parole untill all is completed, including the fine.

    and one little misstep before release from parole will result in 10 years and a day hard time, and a third strike, kill 'em

  17. Proper punishment is different for every child (what works for one doesn't work for another). As for school, each school has there own guidlines set by the state and threats are serious now a days. More than likely they would expell the student and not allow graduation. As for home punishment, the child is probably almost 18 and be out on his/her own soon so I would focus on getting the child into some type of anger management before it's too late.

  18. Show that teen the door as well as anger managment.  If he/she is destroying school property the police should be involved.

  19. He needs phy help.  He should also be made to clean up the mess he made and apologize to the teachers.

  20. is this u?!? if so change ur ways. other whys tell ur friend or watever that he/she has  2 change his/her ways or he/she has 2 go 2 jail. if he/she is lucky she won't have 2 go 2 jail he/she will have 2 work some were 4 free 4 a mo.

  21. If you are looking for something you can do, I would clean out his room.  If he can't act like a civil person, then he can't have nice things like TV, CD players etc.

  22. His anger needs to redirected in a positive manner. Someone mentioned that they uise boxing for this. Find something the senior enjoys and try to get him to redirect his angry energy into that whether it is boxing, music, or running. Let him see a therapist. Make him attend anger management classes as a punishment (as well as no car access limited amount of  time away from home, etc) Try these things before going a drastic route and sending him to juvenile prison or a boot camp.

  23. Alternative School - ie: send him to night school or adult school where he can be dealt with one-on-one.  He must be segregated from the regular school population.  If the problems continue, then he needs to be evaluated by a child study team before considering anything else.

    Maybe the child study team should come first...

  24. Send him to either bootcamp or a prison for juvies for like a year.

  25. Expulsion and juvie.

  26. Punishment? If he legitimately has anger problems, I would first seek out counseling/ address his problems and how he can best help manage them, instead of acting out. I guess I would seek alternative schooling that focuses on his needs, and if none were available, I would homeschool that he isn't a threat to others.

  27. Solitary Confinement

  28. He should fix the shelf, apologize to the teachers, do something constructive to make the school better than when he arrived, just something small like removing some graffiti. All of this comes AFTER the root cause of the anger is dealt it just hormones or something more serious....

    In a perfect world.

  29. That's Felony charges. For destruction of school  property, terroristic threatening, assualt in the fifth degree, jail time. Expel them for the remainder of the year! No graduation, this person doesn't deserve to be in school. Juvenile Detention! Let them graduate in a jail classroom not with the rest of the class!

  30. expulsion and compulsory councelling ,with a strict good behaviour bond.

  31. Prison.

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