
What is the proper thing to do when having guests in your home?

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do you show them where things are like cups drinks and toilets or do you wait til they ask.

obviously you would offer a seat and drink but what else is expected

just making sure im doing things right




  1. you tell them to get out

  2. Usually show them their room, bathroom & kitchen, and say "if you need anything just ask"

  3. always make them feel at home and show them where everything is....and always try to be polite if they have any qouestions jst tell them ur ready to answers them! GOOD LUCK

  4. say hey. ask them if they want a drinkk.. or sayy you can sit down?

  5. you show them and tell them not to be shy make sure they have towels soap etc....never wait for them to ask

  6. Always offer them a drink when they arrive and get the first one for them.

    The first time somebody is a guest in your house, assuming all the rooms are up to it, offer them a tour of the house. This gives you a chance to point out the bathroom (so they don't have to ask - potentially embarrasing). If you would like things to be informal between you, you can also use this opportunity to show them where glasses and various beverages are and tell them to feel free to help themselves.

    On the next visit, after getting them the first drink, ask if they remember where everything is, and again tell them to help themselves. Keep doing this until you no longer have to remind them.

    Most people feel awkward just going into somebody's kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. The more often they visit, the more "at home" they'll feel to help themselves. They'll probably even start helping you take care of your less frequent guests.

  7. I would not show them where cups are if you are the hostess then you have to get them their coffee but a tour of the house is normal. Not the bedroom you may leave that out . but so they know where the restroom is .. yes that is a good idea ..  then they can just excuse themselves once they know where it is and don't have to ask and you have to take each individual guest on the tour to the toilet. once they all know where it is.. you don't have to show them again. it's imporant to know that part of the house.. You only show someone where cups are if you know them well and then they can help you in the kitchen or if a friend wants to help you with drying up if you have no dish washer then is a good time to show them where things go... xx

  8. It depend on how long they are staying.  It just for dinner than you would play host and not need to show them where anything is except the bathroom.  If they are spending a couple of day you will want to show them where the towels are for showering and things like that.  Hope this helps.

  9. If they are staying a few days, yes, show them once they arrive.

  10. Simply be hospitable—that is, make them feel at home—do what you feel is appropriate. A few generic suggestions here:

    - Show them where they're going to need to do things, for example, make sure they know where the bathroom is, or where the kitchen is, and if applicable: where they'll sleep (most of this should be easy to find out if you have a rather small house, but it's worth a shot). A good way to do this is under the guise of a home-tour – helps them get settled too.

    - Offer to take their baggage for them if they brought some. Put it in a visible but out of the way place.

    - Make sure the house is clean before they come – especially if they've never seen your home before. Depending on what happens the house may get dirtied during the visit, but that's probably okay.

    - Offer a drink, etc, before or after touring the house.

    - Overall, just be friendly.

    Maybe that won't help, but it's a few suggestions; above all, make your guest feel at home.

  11. When someone is in your home for the first time, show them around a bit. That will take care of things like coat closets and the loo.

    Other things like silverware or glasses should be done as the need arises.

  12. If you are playing host/hostess, you don't need to show them where cups are, as you will be getting the drinks. Only if they ask do you guide them to where the cups are, and again, only when they ask do you direct them to the washroom. Unless you are first giving a tour of the house, or if they are overnight guests.

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