
What is the proper way to ask for "Padrinos" For your wedding?

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We are a year away from our wedding and don't really know what the proper procedure is to ask people to be "Padrinos" for your wedding. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. It depends on what exactly you are expecting of them.

    To me the "Padrinos" are a couple that's been happily married for a while, and you want to set them as an example of what you would like your marriage to be.

    My dad's fmily had the first married sibling and her spouse be the "Padrinos" of the next sibling getting married, and eventually they would be the first child's padrino as well. then that couple that just got married would be the padrinos for the next sibling's wedding and first born child, and so on... a nice little chain.

    So my godparents (I'm the first child) were my parent's wedding's "padrinos"

    Now, if you are just looking for people to sponsor your wedding (as in just chip in for YOUR wedding) then I got nothing. I think going into debt and borrowing money from loved ones, just so you can have"your" special day the way you want it, is lame...

    Just me.

    But if it's for the first, just tell them

    "I really look up to you guys and the way you've held your relationship so far, through thick and thin, and would be honored to have your blessing at our wedding, as our "padrinos"?

    But for this you ask only one couple, with no expectations for monetary contributions.

  2. Try to ask CLOSE family and friends. Go over to their house with you fiance and tell them that you are getting married and want to know if they would be able to be you padrinos? Also, try to keep a list of how many padrinos and for what. That way it will be easier when they say YES we/I will then they will ask for what?

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