
What is the proper way to check blind spot while changing lanes and making turns?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know the serial which I need to follow like signal mirror etc etc.

Thanks for your help.

(oh and I live in ontario if that info is neccessary)




  1. Make sure your car's brakes, lights, turn signals, steering, transmission and all other parts are working safely.

    Practice changing lanes as you cruise down the highway. Use your turn signal, mirrors and glancing at your blind spot every single time.

    Once you're comfortable changing lanes, try passing other cars. Make sure to give them lots of room, and don't ever cut in front of anybody.

  2. While driving in Germany, they had a little saying on signs on the Autobahn,"erst blicken, dann blinken"; that is, first look, then signal. To eliminate blind spots you should move your head and look at the blind spot. You won't take very long, and you will be sure you're clear. I have a wide angle mirror that clips onto the standard mirror. It is curved, and you can see from over your left shoulder to over the passenger shoulder. Check with your provincial motor vehicle laws to see if you can use one.

  3. The most important thing to do before you start is to ensure your mirrors are properly adjusted. Many people drive their entire lives with the mirrors out of adjustment.

    The biggest error is when you look into your mirror, you see the side of you vehicle in the outer half of the mirror.  Turn the mirror out until you see a fine line of the side of your car for reference.  Do this to both drivers and passenger side.  Manufacturers build cars today where there are fewer blind spots with proper adjusted mirrors.  So this step is extremely important!

    Second: always be aware who is beside you on both sides by paying attention to your driving as who you are passing (in a multi-lane highway) and where are they as they become beside you.  Then you should be checking your mirrors every 10 seconds or so you may be aware of someone coming up to your blind spot.

    Ok, now we have all that put aside as what you may already be aware of possibilities of who may be in that blind spot.

    Now to get to your question and the steps should be ideally like this:

    1. Mirror

    2. Shoulder check - at this point be careful. Often people will steer where they look and many will start turning into the lane change as you do your shoulder check.  Just be aware of this.

    3. A second mirror check can be done as you're bringing your eyes forward (but not absolutely necessary).

    4. If safe (and you signalled), do the lane change.

    Happy and safe driving

  4. u turn the signal.

    first u look in the side-mirror of the other side (not the side u r about to go to), then rearview(and front at the same time), than the side mirror u r trying to switch lane to. , and THAN u turn ur head and try to change lane as soon as u can after makin sure its clear. best if changed lane during ur head turned.

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