
What is the proper way to clean contact lense cases?

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What is the proper way to clean contact lense cases?




  1. wash them out with warm water! btw the cream to remove the hair does work!

  2. I think you should boil them in water.

  3. You should ask your eye doctor.

  4. Clean your lense case with detergent.

    Rinse thoroughly under running water.

    Boil the lense case in boiling water for 10 minutes.

    Let air dry.

    Or just buy a new case. $1.50 in wal-mart.

    I have a bunch of cases, I boil about 5 at a time, change my case every week. Keep the cases clean. The lenses are more comfortable and keeps eye infections away.

    btw, don't spit on your lenses and put them in your eye. Not clean, not good.

  5. I used my contact case for about a month.  During that month, I use liquid soap and warm water to clean them.  Then I let it air dry on a paper napkin.  But like someone else says, you can purchase a new case at Wal-Mart for under $2.00

  6. um don't put them in warm water and do knotty keep them in the air to dry.

    be sure your fingers are clean when putting them in and out of your eye.

    be sure you have the proper cleaning liquid for them ( you can find them at the place you pick up your contacts)

    and make sure when you are not wearing them that they are in the case with the liquid cleaner in them because from experience i left mine out and they dry-ed.  Hope this helped(:

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