
What is the proper way to file something that begins with "A","The", & Numbers ?

by  |  earlier

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I have always wondering how to file companies,etc that begin with A, The or with a number

Ex. 425 Alta -- would that be before A or after Z?

Ex. A Company Inc. --- would that be under A or C

Ex The Company Inc --- would that be under T or C

I have always skipped over "The" and "A" and filed under the next beginning letter but the company I work for is not doing it this way ---- so really which way is correct....




  1. There is no 'correct' or 'incorrect' way; just the way that is best for your particular needs. Most companies have their own house-style as to how they file things, so you'll just have to go with whatever they prefer.

  2. 425 Alto would before A

    A Company would be under A

    The Company would be under C

    Also, if it was City of Tulsa, that would go under T

  3. numbers come first, then both the company's should be filed under C. like

    Company Inc, A

    Company Inc, The

    i'm surprised the ppl you work for are doing it the other way.  they're going to have a crapload of A somethings and The Somethings to go through.  But I guess you can still alphabetize the words after A and The also...

  4. Numbers come first. as in before the A

    A Company Inc would come under C

    same with The Company Inc (C)

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