
What is the proper way to introduce someone to a filing cabinet?

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Don't try telling me that you don't know anyone who needs this type of intervention!




  1. Oh man!   This is not a spur of the moment thing.  In order to be able to face a filing cabinet one needs at least two hours preparation. They do have courses for anyone interested in learning, for more information visit   It is best in the evenings as we are busy through the day.  Good luck.

  2. I would explain however it is set up. Then i would have them browse thru it so they could get use to it.  Then I would give them some stuff to file, even if you have to take some old stuff out of the files for them to reput away.  

  3. Fast,hard and head first!

  4. mrs  x, filing cabinet

    filing cabinet, mrs x.

  5. " So annd so,  I would like you to meet The Filing Cabinet"  

  6. Leave 'em alone, few beers.

  7. Like man introduces woman.

  8. 1.  Have them come near the filing cabinet.

    2.  Drop something on the floor.  They will immediately stoop to pick it up.

    3.  Quickly open the filing cabinet drawer and enjoy the show!

    4.  Sit back and say, "Now that you have been properly introduced to Mr. Filing Cabinet, I'd highly suggest that you start filing your freakin' paper work away.  Thank you, and have a nice day."  ( ^ _ ^ )

  9. As you can see, here we have a filing cabinet that requires a manipulation of  special kind of hands to operate it.Once the drawers are pulled out, they will tell you where certain papers belong. The more you practice, the easier it gets!

  10. "Person, meet filing cabinet. Filing cabinet, meet person"

    Really though, why don't you just ask them why they don't get a filing cabinet?

    Some people don't need one. They have stacks of paper everywhere and know where every single thing is. A filing cabinet would just disrupt their system.

  11. With a rasping voice.

  12. The easiest way is to walk with them toward the filing cabinet, trip them and when they wham their head on the side or front and always with a smiling voice say:

    "Meet Mr. Filing Cabinet, you aren't the first to fall for him"

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