
What is the proper way to learn the guitar?

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I am currently enrolled in private lessons for the guitar and even though I am practicing, I'm not quite getting to where I want to be at. The reason why I enrolled for lessons was because I wanted to learn to play by the use of chords but my teacher appears to only be teaching me to play with single strings. If I wanted to learn by myself, how should I start? Should I try memorizng as many chords as possible? I only know 7.




  1. 7 Chords!? I know rock stars who know less.  Seriously though, chords are a development from scales.  You didn't say how long you've been taking lessons, but yes, one of the first things you need to learn is how to plant your fingers on the strings properly and for classical you would also be focusing on right hand rest/free strokes before dealing with chords.  IMO, if you have learned a scale well, you should be taught some chord progression associated with it.  If you feel your instructor is pacing too slow, talk to them and if you don't like their response or attitude towards you, find a new instructor.  In the mean time see the link below.

  2. there are as many teaching methods for the guitar as there are guitar teachers. find a teacher that more suits your style and goals.

    dont forget... chords sound pretty but you also need the theory on how they are constructed. general music theory is important for the beginner to learn.

  3. yes memorize all the mafor and minor chords. and barre chords. deffinately the best start

  4. You should keep taking your lessons and eventually your teacher will get to chords, your teacher is just doing the basics with you now, knowing all the single string things your teacher is teaching you is beneficial when he/she begins teaching you chords.  Keep taking your lessons and your guitar teacher will get there. However, if you would like to be impatient, get a chord chart or look up chords online and start memorizing them, and the best way to memorize them is to play them.

    Good luck in your future with guitar

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