
What is the proper way to report something like this?

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From: bunniebaby

Subject: cancer serves you right

Message: anti choice pieces of **** like you deserve cancer.




  1. That's real nasty.

    Coming from some nasty person who's pro-abortion and flaunts it at every opportunity, that comes as no surprise.

    Just copy and paste it and report away :)

  2. I wouldn't report personal correspondence to bureaucrats.  Just block her email and take Tracey's advice: keep your email address private.

  3. Nice...real nice.

  4. Send it to one of the YA moderators.   I have when I got threatening emails- thats not threatening but its really dumb.  

    Sorry that you had to get one of those.

  5. With the constant reporting that goes on in here, I'm not surprised. Sorry you got that though. That's pretty unnecessary, not to mention callous and incredibly rude.

    I would never wish anything horrible like that on anyone. That is cruel.

    I've tried to report an email before (someone told me to f-off and to kill myself), but never figured out how to do it...

  6. Ouch!

    I wouldn't know.  I seldom get e-mail from the Yahoo Answers community.  This reminds me of the South Park episode where Scott the D!ck wishes cancer on Terrance and Phillip.

    @Mike T: It's a safe bet that 50/50 to 50 doesn't deserve cancer, so that leaves your second possibility.

  7. Oh, I am so sorry someone sent that to you, how horrible. Report it to Y/A and say it is harassment and verbal abuse which it is. I received one similar to that a while back and was so shocked and appalled (and had no idea why it was sent, I never heard of the sender) I just sent it to Y/A and let them deal with it.

    No matter what one's POV is, there is never an excuse to say that to anyone for any reason.

  8. Flame on!

  9. I don't know how to report it, but that's disgusting. I am  sorry that someone could be so cruel.

  10. That is classy bunniebaby (sarcasm). That is a terrible thing to say.

  11. Keep your e-mail private. There are too many psychos on GWS. I'm sorry you received that.

  12. Yikes. But she has a reputation for having that kind of attitude, so I'm not surprised. Take a screenshot of it and send it as an attachment in an e-mail to Customer Care.

  13. I'm sorry.  That's a very hurtful message to send anyone, even if you strongly dislike them or disagree with them.  I wouldnt' do anything with it, I would probably just feel compassion for someone feeling so much hate.  If she's showing this much negativity on the outside, I can't even imagine how miserable she's on the inside.

  14. Send yahoo a message about it and attach the email with it.

  15. Dont waste your energy on people that are so hateful. She will get hers.

  16. Just forget about it karma will come around to her. I bet she is a feminist too and has a name like bunniebabie. That's a double standard. Sorry that you had to hear that. You will be better off in the end!

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