
What is the proper way to say this? It is raining so much, too much or so hard?

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What is the proper way to say this? It is raining so much, too much or so hard?




  1. These are the proper ways to use each.

    It is raining hard - this is the best way to express it.

    It  is raining so hard.

    It rains/rained so much.

    We get/got too much rain.

  2. It is rainy very hard.

  3. a) It's raining torrentially. (It's proper and good)

    b) It's raining cats and dogs. (A bit ornamental)

    c) It's pouring. (Nice yet informal)

    d) It's raining so heavy. (Good and common)

    e) It's raining so much.(Why not? Your friend understands you so much.)

  4. I think all three ways of conveying  your assessment of rain is fine,all three are descriptive of degree .

    So much ......Plain statement that the rain has been heavy.

    Too much ..... More than you can take & you could do with a breather.

    So hard ......descriptive of force ,image of a fast & furious downpour.

    Here in India where i am,we are looking skywards with the hope of the .monsoon ,the rain season,our agriculture depends on these showers,I wish to God,we could have some of those welcome showers you speak of.


  5. It depends on what you are trying to say.

  6. depends where you are placing the sentence. are you talking about the quantity or the rate of the fall of the rain ,  eg,  light or heavy or have you received enough rain and are complaining.and you dont want any more and are stating this fact.

  7. Too much

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