
What is the proper way to water/feed a Juniper Bonsai Tree?

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I have read a few different opinions, but my main question is do you use a water tray filled to just the roots or to the trunk? Also, what is a recommended food for this tree? any help would be great! thank you!




  1. Junipers are outdoor bonsai and just like people, they DON"T want to be soaking in water all day. Here's a site where you can get more info on care.

  2. Water from the top like any other plant. The best way is to use a watering can or a hose nozzle with a fine shower. There is no need for a water tray. I'm not sure where the idea of soaking the entire pot came from, but I can say that I know of no professional bonsai growers that use this method.

    Junipers should be allowed to dry out a little between waterings.  They do not need to be kept wet. When the top of the soil begins to appear dry, it's time for more water.

    A good way to feed is by using a standard liquid tree/shrub fertilizer (Peeter's, etc.) diluted to 1/2 or 1/3 strength. The tree should be fertilized about monthly through the growing season.

    Also, a juniper is an outdoor plant, it must be kept outside all year to survive. It can be brought indoors for short periods of time (days). A common misconception is that it can be grown indoors.

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