
What is the proper word used for someone who continuosly talks?

by  |  earlier

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non stop talking without giving anyone a chance to talk back




  1. chatter box lol!

  2. my mother in law.

  3. Gasbag, windbag a babbler.

  4. a pain in the the jack diss!!!! oh that makes me mad...ooer

  5. Garrulous

  6. Chatterbox.



    Filling space.

  7. verbal diarrhoea

  8. talkative


    If the person keeps talking just say STFU!!!

  9. If you want to impress someone, use words like loquacious or garrulous.  If you really don't care one way or the other, a good term is "loud-mouth"!  If you're talking to your grandma, "gabby" is a good term.  Take your pick according to the circumstances.  

  10. I do not know of any proper word for this improper activity,.    We usually say something like (s)he hogs the floor.  But if you are looking for one word for people whose main theme is IT'S ALL ABOUT ME, try narcissist.

  11. a ****

  12. In most cases the word is WIFE.

  13. Rattle Box Gallactica

  14. renter gob annoying chatterbox other words i cant repeat =|

  15. A Blabber Mouth

    Chatty Cathy

  16. loquacious

  17. Garullous

  18. Chatterbox

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