
What is the proprieties of the Queen her majesties & the chancery ministers in UK please?

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in the daily news all time praim minister in the front & not in the other country .




  1. The Queen has no power (thank god) but for some reason she is still head of state. The Prime Minister is head of the elected government. Power in England and Wales lies with the government. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all have their own assemblies but their powers are limited.

  2. The Sovereign no longer has as much power as before, however any laws which are to be made have to be agreed with by her. The Queen and the Prime minister have monthly meetings to discuss current affairs and she is actually one of the most powerful women in the world. The prime minister has to have her permission to be able do almost anything to do with the country. She gives him permission to be the prime minister after all.

  3. In theory the gift of prime-ministership may be given to any British subject - but as the British Nationality Act 1981 has removed the descriptive 'subject' from all of us & replaced it with 'citizen' her ability to give the job to anyone is purely academic.

    By an arrangement with Parliament, that was made in 1901, on the death of Victoria - the last absolute monarch of Britain - the office of Prime Minster is given to the leader of the party that gains the most MP's in a General Election, as long as that PM is able to form a government. If a PM cannot do so, the office is offered to the leader of the party with the next biggest total of elected MP's - on the same basis. This carries on until someone can form a government. As has recently been seen, the office is also offered to the next in line in a governing party as long as he/she is able to form a government.

    The Queen keeps to this arrangement by virtue of supporting legislation her precessors assented & an annual bribe called the Civil List.

  4. I think it would be better if the Queen was the ruler for now . i think she really does care for the nation and its people. She has honour

    Not that I'm in favour of dictatorship.      HOWEVER the government is so corrupt it is crippling the country.

    the government is elected by the people,      Then the elected government Ignores the people and does what it wants to s***w us in every way they can with  tax and self serving agenda's

    this is our government

    in the governments defence .. they do supply us with vasaline so as we bend over to take it, it goes smoothly

  5. Sorry but I really don't  understand this question.   Is it that you wonder why in the news the prime minister is given precedence to the Royal family?   If so  the reason would be that the Royal family do not rule and make laws etc.  That affect the lives of people everyday. , whereas the Prime minister does, therfore  his actions are more newsworthy. I might be wrong in my interpretation of your question, in which case I apologise.

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