
What is the psychology behind an attractive man who chose particularly unattractive women to date?

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i have a male friend who does this & he will not tell me the reason he does it. he said its done purposely but i dont get it. is he afraid of beautiful women? i tell you, i know many gorgeous women who all fawning over this man yet he keeps them all @ distance. these women that want him are the same women that all the other guys want yet he wont give them any attention. everyone is talking about the girl he's seeing @ work. is it low self esteem? fear he's not good enough for beautiful women?

just to give some background info: this friend of mine is unhappily married. so the one girl he cheats on his wife w/ is physically less appealing than his wife (baffling) & the girl appears to be smitten w/ him.can some tell me why he chooses that particular girl when all the lovely ones like him as well.

to sum it up, will men purposely choose an unattractive female so that she will be more accepting of his flaws?




  1. Everyone does not see beauty the same way. What you think is beautiful he may not.  

  2. It's like the song goes(If You Want To Be Happy For The Rest oF Your Life Never Make A Pretty Woman Your Wife) maybe he doesn't see them the way do you,maybe it's their personalty,maybe he just doesn't find any of you attractive

  3. Who knows.  Maybe his thought process is that they won't cheat on him like HE'S doing.  Since he's a pig he knows it's pretty easy to cheat.  But maybe not AS easy for the less attractive girls so he feels safer.

  4. You state your friend is unhappily married, yet married just the are concerned with his inability to "date" attractive women but you show no concern with the fact he is unable to stand by his commitment to his wife.  Sounds like you need to consider what the major character flaw in your friend truly is...pfff.

  5. My dad always said, marry a 6 not a 10! Perhaps he thinks attractive women are too high maintenance; or he likes the fact that an unattractive girl will feel lucky to be with him therefore more loyal....? Hard to say.  

  6. Believe it or not some lesser attractive people have irresistible personalities. Not everyone dates or marries someone based on what others may think. Personally if I enjoy someones company I'm going to want to spend time with them no matter what they look like. Beauty isn't all about what's on the outside.  

  7. He wants women like this to make him feel good, they go out of there way for him, s**y girls will want him to do things for them, the ugly girls are doing things for him, he likes it, but he sounds like a JERK!! He is married.

  8. he's cheating...she won't tell as she knows she'll never find someone as attractive as this guy... no low self esteem he's clever!!!!

  9. MAYBE your male friend knows a good things when he sees one. Maybe he knows the so called "beautiful" women after him are just trash and just s.ex tools for other men.

    Have you thought about him,your male friend, that he finds the woman attractive, the one at work.. Just because you find some one unattractive does not mean everyone thinks like you. I'm sure there men who think you are NOT attractive and would never date you as there are men you may find you attractive.

    BTW: Doesn't confuse attractiveness to natural beauty though the rules are the same "Beauty is in the eye of the behold". I mean what makes a person attractive is a a lot more than outer beauty.

    Some women are easy and fun to be around. Some make men feel good about themselves. Some women are better in bed. Some women don't have their heads stuck far up their like you and your friends.


    Beauty may bring men to you but will never keep them with you. So don't rely on your beauty.

  10. who he dates is his business and his alone. I detect a lot of petty jealousy among you and your frends  

  11. Ugly women are willing to do anything to keeep their men.

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