
What is the psychology of a cheater?

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Do they care that they are hurting a good person? Do they try and manipulate the person? Is it an adventure/thrill? Thanks in advance.




  1. A lot of times,, its the thrill of the chase..A change ,,something different than what they already have.. Or it can be boredom on their part..When questioned they will turn the tables on the asker,,and blame them for their lack of trust and claim innocence..Most times they forget what they have,,and think they can cheat and still maintain their other situations..Its selfish self serving action that eventually causes everything to fall apart.. Usually they don't even consider the other party,,or the situation with the other party is over,,and instead of doing the honorable thing and ending it and moving on,,they either don't consider other feelings,,and decide to just do as they want without consequence for repercussions.. The victims are deeply hurt,,and once the cheating is outed,,its very difficult to ever mend the relationship..If your not in a  relationship which is maintained with respect and dignity,,the best course of action is to exit it.. Sometimes that is not easy and even difficult,,but to continue the charade,,is to live a lie,,and  to  continue to be victimized !! SOLOMON

  2. A person who cheats is not necessarily trying to hurt the other person.  It is more a question of being self-centered and of living for themselves.  A cheater won't think about hurting someone else, they'll only think about their needs and what they want.  The other persons feelings won't necessarily enter his mind because he's not doing it to hurt someone, he's doing it for himself....

  3. it depends on the person. a bad person will feel little, a decent person will feel like a beast.

  4. Cheating is not the issue. It is an artificial thing created by society. Animals cannot cheat. If the emperor of China had less than 100 wives then there is something wrong with him. The issue is lying. Many people have an issue with that. As far as calling you insecure, that is what a liar does, right?

    Abraham, the father of the Jews,, had s*x with his wife and wife's servant just like he was supposed to. That is how you have Jews and Arabs. Jacob (Israel) was married to his wife and her sister.

  5. the more the merrier

  6. I think that we are all human and we can be pushed to a limit. When I was younger I would have said psychopathic is what all cheaters are.  I was married 27 years ago and my husband was a drug addict and a p**n addict. He became an embarrassment and a slob. I was feeling neglected and I did have an affair.  I am not proud of it and I was too young to be married anyway. this is only one example and everyone will have a story of their own.  I am remarried 8 years now and never felt any urge to cheat on my husband.  He is not just any man in my life, but also my best friend. He is also not the other man. My present husband never knew my ex.  I have great girlfriends, but my husband knows my past and he shared his past with an infidellity from the past. He is also a wonderful step father to my son from my first marriage too and I love my husband's 2 daughters from his first marriage.

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