
What is the public transport like in Menorca?

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We will be travelling with 2 small children and feel that car hire is quite expensive. Is there a bus from the airport to Cuitadella? And is it reliable? What about taxis - what are approx costs? Do any have child seats? Any info appreciated!




  1. Brilliant`1'euro n u can travel the isle`but the Beers`expensive`i wer there in 2001`bin back to Gud ol`BENIDORM`ever since`

  2. Years since I've been but the weblinks below will give you an idea...

    (Funny Malc G, I never knew that Benidorm had been moved to Menorca.)

  3. forget it!!, believe me, even more with childrens. Book a car in advance, specially if you are travelling in a high season like august or july

  4. i know the taxi's dont carry car seats but last time we were that way the buses came quite regulary x

  5. the last time we were there we hired a car can't remember how much but quite reasonable and no problems parking easy to find your way around try a visit to Son Bon its lovely

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