
What is the public view of homeless people?

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All over the world people are homeless. In america people like to say, that they are like that because they are bums. What is your thoughts on homless people?




  1. I know some homeless people and honestly they are bums... they could work but they choose not too, they want to be lazy and get everything for free... I know that their are homeless people out there that had tough breaks and just couldnt hold on... I feel for those people I really do, because there are so many lazy people out there, it gives the others a bad name.

  2. The view on homeless people here is very negative. Everybody thinks that these people chose to live this way. I don't suppose though because I'm sure there are reasons behind why they ended up on the streets. In a book "the glass castle" it does talk about homeless people who are extremely happy, without any money and superficial goods which I think is pretty cool.

  3. The view people have is a negetive one. I personally think there is nothing wrong with poor people or the homeless

    i think there is something wrong with the government because obviously wealth and resources is not distributed evenly.

    I think homeless people should be the presidents advisors because they all did things in their lives and they know what the government needs to do.

    Not all people are homeless because of choice.

  4. i don't like to judge but when you see someone who stinks off p**s , has unkempt hair and tatty clothes I tend to think crackhead or alcoholic !, but that just some sometimes I feel sorry for them like women with babies begging...

  5. Force em to mexico, and let mexicans work here legally.

  6. I saw a show on MSNBC following peoplel who CHOSE to be homeless. They still are in touch with their parents and could live a normal life by working but choose to beg for change on the streets and live in shelters and eat the food at soup kitchens. I think these people shouldn't be allowed to abuse the good will of others and should be shot (alright maybe not that extreme) but who wakes up one morning and says "hey, I feel like being homeless forever"

  7. I am a few paychecks away from being without a place to live and i fight to save money to lengthen that time frame.

    people spend their whole lives trying to solidify their ownership in a house or a place to live and the rent, landlords and real estate taxes fight against that.

    homeless people gave up this fight as a choice.

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